
Oak Island and its Legendary Treasure
14. Juni 2022

Oak Island und der legendäre Schatz der Insel

In der bekannten History Channel Serie geht es nicht nur um den legendären Schatz, der auf Oak Island vergraben sein ...

Forrest Fenn treasure hunt
27. Dezember 2021

Der Schatz von Forrest Fenn

Im Jahr 2010 versteckte der Kunsthändler und Autor Forrest Fenn eine Schatzkiste in den Rocky Mountains. Die einzigen Hinweise sind ...

Treasure chests and troves can be detected with OKM 3D Ground Scanners
14. Mai 2020

Treasure chests

Treasure chests are, in a certain sense, hollow spaces in which treasure hunters can find valuables.

Treasure troves and chambers can be detected with OKM 3D Ground Scanners
14. Mai 2020

Treasure trove

➤ Treasure troves supply a collection or store of valuable objects. Whether in castles and palaces or within the walls ...

Burial chambers
14. Mai 2020

Burial chambers

➤ Burial chambers are final resting places for dignitaries where great treasures are supposed to be buried beside the deceased. ...

Ghost Towns
14. Mai 2020

Ghost Towns

➤ Ghost towns are abandoned, uninhabited settlements. Typical ghost settlements consist of slowly decaying buildings. In the deserted places, numerous ...

Explore Lost Places with OKM Ground Scanners
23. April 2020

Lost Places

Entdecken Sie die Faszination historischer Stätten.

Treasure hunter with OKM's undercover detector
01. November 2019

Treasure Hunting

Treasure hunting means more than just digging up gold treasures, silver coins and ancient artifacts. Become part of the great ...

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